At MDK Wealth Management, we are believers in ‘balance’ …you need to build on the past, live for the present and look to the future. Our primary focus to assist you planning and working towards your future goals, and that […]
At MDK Wealth Management, we believe Education is a continual life long process. We are dedicated to not only improving our own education levels, but also helping our own clientele better understand their own investment philosophy, risks and overall understanding […]
With the current volatility in the market, patience is critical. ‘Look at market fluctuations as your friend, rather than your enemy; Profit from folly rather than participate in it’. W. Buffet
Managed to squeeze in a couple hours with Dad at Motorclassica this weekend, at the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne; an absolutely gorgeous event, displaying some stunning vehicles in a beautiful building. The building itself was completed in 1880, and was […]
MDK Wealth Management…here to assist, to teach, to encourage…to help you fly. Have a great Flyday!
I was fortunate enough to get along to the 2018 IFA (Independent Financial Advice) Convention in Sydney, and thought I would share a few thoughts on the opening keynote speaker’s address, ‘Mastering the Ordinary’ by Dr Rick Rigsby, CEO & President, Rick Rigsby […]