Adventure Racing World Championships 2011, west coast Tasmania

Adventure Racing World Championships 2011, west coast Tasmania

One percent can mean a lot of different things to different people.  For me though, one percent brings a few things to mind, firstly and foremost, it’s the small things.  The small things count.  The small things matter.  At MDK Wealth Management we are all about the small things, the one percent, because they all add up.  They make a difference.

I grew up with a strong sporting background, upon which some basic fundamentals were ingrained, do the small things, do the one percent.  In this context it was do the chasing, the tackling (often referred to as the ‘one percenters’) the things the others don’t want to do, or are often considered insignificant, irrelevant and less glamorous than kicking the goal or hitting the winning run.  The one percenters are usually in the background, behind the scenes, but ultimately create and set up the success. Most importantly, the one percenters add up.

How many golf championships are decided by a few shots, typically less than one percent of the total played.  How many football, basketball, or cricket games are decided by a few points, runs or shots. How may Olympic or World Championship races are decided by a fraction of a second…less than one percent…that is the difference, often between winning and losing, glory and dismay.

In the investment world we are always looking for greater returns on your portfolio or super, often with just a one percent differential deciding whether you ultimately feel comfortable taking a long overdue holiday from you retirement funds.

Whatever you passion, one percent is the detail, the extra care, the finishing touch.  Whether you are into quilting, gardening, arts or sport, classic cars or antiques, science or politics, almost every human endeavour, its the small things count.

The small things matter.


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