Hogan Island, "Clean Across Bass Strait", 2011

Hogan Island, “Clean Across Bass Strait”, 2011

Balance in Life.

We have all heard it before ‘Seek balance in all things you do in life”.

For some, this balance is often considered a ‘static’ concept, in having or allocating just the right amount of time to all things that matter in your life, such as work, hobbies, career, relationship etc. and then trying to consistently maintain this same balance or allocation over time.

At MDK, the Balance is a ‘dynamic’ concept, a ‘flux’, a continual change of motion.

We believe that the ‘balance’ is always changing, just as your work-life situation changes, with family, employment, environment, hobbies and interests always evolving.  There is a time in your life when you will focus or certain aspects of your life, for example when having children, or starting a business, and the time and energy will immerse you in these areas at that time, and you adjust (balance) your priorities accordingly.  This phase of life soon passes as new challenges and career options present themselves, and the adjustment in time and energy is made again…continual adjustment to find balance or equilibrium.

At MDK Wealth Management we take the same philosophy with your investment portfolio, as not only should it reflect and balance with your current stage of life, but it should also adjust with various movements in the financial markets.

Just as there is a time to reap or sow, there is a time to be more proactive with your share portfolio, and there is a time be more defensive.

At MDK we take a more active approach to portfolio management, just as the business itself has to be more dynamic in moving with market conditions.

“Life is like riding a bicyle.  To keep your balance you must keep moving.”

Albert Einstein


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    MDK Wealth Management Pty Ltd
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