Every year the team at MDK Wealth Management attend our dealership’s annual conference, and this year Interprac Financial Planning held their conference at the Melbourne Convention Centre.
It is a busy two days of investigating some of the latest investments trends, products and services within the financial services sector.
We get to personally meet some of the investment fund managers and product providers to gain a better insight and understanding of their strategies and philosophies, and what ultimately drives their performance.
We also brush up on the latest Centrelink issues and this year had an increased focus on ‘aged care’, something that will affect us all at some stage in our lives.
Ultimately, all this is designed for us to better assist our clients.
This event is not only about professional development, but also networking with our peers, fund managers and the management team from InterPrac Financial Planning.
As always, we all found it exceptionally insightful and helpful, and look forward to next years conference.